首页>学位论文>  赣南兴国山歌的历史源流与演唱艺术研究


作者:王宇扬 日期:2005.01.01 点击数:15


【作者】 王宇扬


【关键词】 赣南 兴国山歌 客家音乐 唱法 唱腔 语言

【外文关键词】 Gannan Folk Songs in Xing Guo county Hakka music Singing technique Operatic tune Language








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【摘要】。同时,将田野工作与声乐教学结合,歌唱理论总结与演唱艺术实践结合,探寻当代民族声乐如何走进民间的道路,探索民歌演唱如何体现民族性、科学性、艺术性的普遍性原则,也是本研究的主要目的。期望为当前民族声乐教学与演唱之实践的进步与民族声乐理论的发展提供某些积极的可供参考借鉴的意见。 具体研究过程中,笔者通过实地考察、录音采样、记录分析等手段,就赣南兴国山歌的历史源流、艺术特征、歌唱方法、审美追求、传承方式等问题进行了一定的思考剖析。通过现场学习和亲身参与兴国山歌的演唱,增加了对兴国山歌的感性认识,丰富了自己的艺术体验,这既构成本文的研究基础,亦为笔者今后的进一步研究创造了条件。 ...

【外文摘要】 Folk Songs in Xing-Guo county have rich features and profound influence, they have features of long history, profound connotation, plain music, resounding and powerful, natural and genial, pure and beautiful timbre, full of local feelings, etc. In this paper, historical source and singing technique research of folk songs in Xing-Guo county in Gannan are searched and researched from the point of national vocality and musicology, emphasizing their language features and singing styles, summing up their singing techniques. How national vocality goes into civilians and how folk songs singing reflect the general principles of nationality, scientificity, artistry are researched from field work to vocality teaching and from theoretical research to singing practice. The research can have active use for reference and directing function for national vocality singing and teaching. Folk songs are analyzed from the point of historical source, arts features, singing methods and successive aestheticism, by means of site survey, folk songs collecting and recording, and enquiry analysis. After self-participating the research and singing folk songs in Xing-Guo county, my sense knowledge and physical experience for folk songs in Xing-Guo county are increased, and this is a very good prerequisite and base for further research. ...

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