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作者:黄映琼 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:24

【外文题名】Research on Meixian Dialect Grammar

【作者】 黄映琼


【关键词】 梅县方言 重叠 词缀 句法

【外文关键词】 Meixian dialect Overlap Affix Syntax








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【摘要】、“打”、“欸”等词缀的用法。句法则分别介绍了处置句、被动句、受事前置句、比较句、有字句、添字句这六种特殊句式的结构特点和具体用法。通过与其它客家方言及一些相关汉语史材料的比较,我们可以领略到梅县方言语法的主要特色。 ...

【外文摘要】The Meixian dialect, which shows the main characteristics of Hakkas dialect, has 16 initial consonants, 72 compound vowels and 6 tones. This article mainly described the word-formation and the syntax that can mostly demonstrate the grammatical characteristics of Meixian dialect. The word-formation includes the overlapping type and the attachment one. The author analyses the overlapping form in noun, adjective, verb, numeral, classifier measure word, onomatopoeia and so on and its semantic characteristic and grammatical function, and introduces the usage of affix such as "A" (阿) , "Lao" (老) , "Cheng" (成) , "Lun" (论) , "Da" (打) , "Ai" (欸) and so on in attachment type, and analyses the structural features and the concrete usage of the "handling" sentence, passive sentence, the object preposition sentence, comparative sentence, "have" sentence and "add words" sentence. Comparing with other Hakkas dialect and the relative historical materials of Chinese diachronically, we can undetstand the main characteristics of Meixian dialect in grammar ...

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