首页>学位论文>  盘龙镇客家话与梅县客家话音系的比较研究


作者:李科凤 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:15

【外文题名】Comparison Studies on Hakka in Phonology between Panlong and Meixian

【作者】 李科凤


【关键词】 盘龙镇 梅县 客家话 音系 比较

【外文关键词】 Panlong Meixian Hakka phonology comparison








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【摘要】 盘龙镇客家话与梅县客家话声母比较,主要有以下特点: (1)古全浊声母变清,无论平仄都有送气的,但仄声有一部分不送气;梅县客家话无论平仄都读送气音。(2)盘龙镇客家话共有21个声母,比起梅县客家话18个声母多了[t(?) t(?)' (?)]这一组声母和[z]声母,少了一个[v]声母。(3)盘龙镇客家话古泥母在洪音前面多读[n],古来母在洪音、细音前都可以读[l],古泥母、来母开始混读;梅县客家话古泥母和来母不混读。(4)盘龙镇客家话舌根音是[k k' x],而梅县客家话是舌根音[k k']加喉音[h],梅县客家话的[h]在盘龙镇客家话里已经腭化。 盘龙镇客家话与梅县客家话韵母比较,主要有以下特点: (1)盘龙镇客家话开、齐、合、撮四呼俱全,梅县客家话缺少撮口呼。(2)盘龙镇客家话鼻音韵尾[m]并入[n]尾,只有[n]、[(?)]两个鼻尾,梅县客家话[n]、[(?)]、[m]三个鼻音韵尾俱全。(3)盘龙镇客家话和梅县客家话都有入声韵,盘龙镇客家话入声韵韵尾全部演变为喉塞音[(?)],梅县客家话塞音韵尾[p t k]俱全。(4)盘龙镇客家话有长元音,梅县客家话没有。(5)盘龙镇客家话有鼻化韵,梅县客家话没有。 盘龙镇客家话与梅县客家话声调比较,主要有以下特点: (1)都有六个调类,但调类的调值有差异。(2)古上声字在今调类的情况有差异。古上声清音字盘龙镇客家话除了读上声,还有少数读去声;梅县客家话除了读上声,还有少数读阴平。古上声次浊音字盘龙镇客家话与梅县客家话基本一致,除了读上声,还有部分读阴平,极少数字读去声;但梅县客家话读去声的字比盘龙镇客家话多。古上声全浊音字在盘龙镇客家话与梅县客家话的情况基本一致,除了全浊上声变去声那部分字,还有一部分字读阴平。(3)古入声字在盘龙镇客家话和梅县客家话有差异。盘龙镇客家 ...

【外文摘要】Panlong town, which is located in Yongchang county of Chongqing city has the greatest population of Hakkas in Yongchang county. Among the 78000 people of Panlong town, there are 30000 Hakkas. The native of Panlong town call the dilect they speak local Cantonese that itself is Hakka. There are 21 consonants, 61 Yunmu, and six tones. The consonants of Panlong Hakka, compared with those of Hakka of Meixian, has characteristics as follows: 1) The voiced sound becomes surd sound be Ping(平) tone or Ze (仄) tone and some Ze (仄) tone become voiceless. 2) There are 21 consonants in Panlong Hakka and compared with Meixian Hakka [t(?) t(?)' (?)] exist but no [z] and [ v] consonants. 3) Nimu(泥母) and Laimu (来母) in Panlong Hakka begin to confused but not in Meixian Hakka. 4) The velar in Panlong Hakka are [k k' x], but [k k' ] and [ h] in Meixian Hakka. The Hakka's consonants of Panlong town, compared with those of the Hakka of Meixian, has characteristics as follows: 1) The four classes of syllables appear in the Panlong Hakka and there is no Cuokouhu(撮口呼) in Meixian Hakka. 2) Nasal consonant tail vowe in panlong Hakka are [n], [(?)] and [n], [(?)], [m] in Meixian Hakka. 3) There are entering tone in both but only one [(?)] in Panlong Hakka, Meixian Hakka has the whole [p t k]. 4)Panlong Hakka has long vowel, but Meixian Hakka doesnot have. 5) Panlong Hakka has nasal vowel but Meixian Hakka does not have . The Hakka tones of Panlong, compared with those of Hakka of Meixian, has characteristics as follows: 1) The two both have six tones but the tone pitches are different. ...

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