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作者:王庆 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:57

【外文题名】The Research on Speech Sounds of Hakka Dialects of Longtansi

【作者】 王庆


【关键词】 龙潭寺 客家话 成都话 语音 影响 方言岛

【外文关键词】 Longtansi hakka dialects the dialect of Chengdu speech sound influence Speech Island








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【摘要】韵母56个,声调6个。从历时的角度着眼,将龙潭寺客家话与《广韵》比较,得出龙潭寺客家话语音的古今演变规律,其中声母规律12条,韵母规律16条,声调规律5条。从共时的角度着眼,将龙潭寺客家话与川外的客家话、成都话比较,发现在声母、韵母、声调诸方面既有来自源头客家话的诸多语音特点,也有在成都话影响下产生的语音特点。在川外的客家人聚居区中,与龙潭寺的语音特点一致性最强的是粤东的五华和兴宁。 笔者认为,龙潭寺客家话的语音特点主要与粤东的五华、兴宁两地的客家话接近,另外融进了一些闽西客家、赣南老客的特点,是一个“融合型”的客家话;龙潭寺客家话受成都话影响发生语音变化大致可分为两类:“突变型”和“渐变型”;从音节结构来看,声母受影响最大,韵母次之,声调稍小;龙潭寺客家人的祖先主要来自粤东五华、兴宁等地;方言岛形成需要四个条件:1、较封闭、稳定的社群。2、较强的群体意识。3、语言习惯。4、有较大的方言差异。 ...

【外文摘要】The Hakka inhabitants in Longtansi immigrated in Sichuan province at the beginning of Qing Dynasty. Since that time, they have retained the basic framework of Hakka dialects and accepted a lot of new changes influenced by Chengdu dialects at the same time. It is said that the inhabitants in Longtansi mainly come from Mei county of Guangdong province. But after carried out investigation thoroughly in Longtansi many times, the author discovered that there are many differences between the Hakka dialects of Longtansi and Mei County's. There are 23 initials, 16 finals and 5 tones in the Hakkas of Longtansi. From the historical point of view, Hakka dialects' laws of phonetic evolution can be discovered contrasted with Guangyun, including 12 initials' features, 16 finals' features and 5 tones' features. From the synchronic point of view, the Hakka dialects' characters in initial, final and tone can be found out that it is influenced not only from the resource of Hakka dialects' but also under the Chengdu dialects'. It's the Wuhua and Xingning in the east of Guangdong province, in the inhabitants outside of Sichuan province, which is mostly similar to the Hakka of Longtansi in the phonetic characteristics. The author confirms that, Ⅰ, Hakka of Longtansi is a kind of syncretic dialects, whose phonetic characteristics mostly close to the Hakka's of Wuhua and Xingning in the east of Guangdong province as well as absorbs some Hakka dialects' features in the west of Fujian and the old Hakka in the south of Jiangxi. Ⅱ, language changes in Hakka dialects of Longtansi influenced by Chengdu dialects mainly can be two categories, mutation and gradual alteration. Ⅲ,according to the syllabic structure, the initial gets biggest, the final a little, and the tone less. Ⅳ, forefathers who spoke Hakka dialects in Longtansi mostly came from the east part of Guangdong, Wuhua and Xingning. Ⅴ, the formation of Speech Island needs four factors, the relatively isolated and steady community, the strong community consciousness, the language habits and the obvious differences in dialects. ...

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