首页>学位论文>  明清粤东石窟河流域的社会变迁与对台湾的移民垦殖


作者:夏水平 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:27

【外文题名】The Immigration into Taiwan and Social Change in the Ming and Qing Dynasty-A Case Study of the Shiku River Valley in NE Gunagdong (Yuedong)

【作者】 夏水平


【关键词】 粤东 石窟河 客家 移民 台湾 原乡

【外文关键词】 the NE Guandong Shiku river valley Hakka immigration Taiwan homeland








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【摘要】区,属于纯正的客家地区,处于广东省的东北部地区,故常常被称为“粤东”。从明末清初开始,这一区域的开始有人移民台湾,到乾隆、嘉庆时期,达到高峰。清代之所以有如此多的人移民台湾,除了当地的农业生产条件恶劣外,与当地的社会整合程度也有很大关系。由于明末清初时期,处于汉化阶段的土著居民的各种“寇乱”、清初时期海上势力的不断深入等,均造成了这一区域人口流动经常化。其中一个主要的方向就是流向台湾,而清代台湾社会也存在着各种吸引内陆粤东人前往开发与谋生的条件与机缘。 早期前往台湾垦殖谋生的粤东客家人常常在两地来往。到迁去台湾的粤东客家人在台湾稳定下来以后,开始产生了原乡与移居地的区别与概念,粤东地区也随之成了重要的台籍客家人的祖籍地。原乡与台湾的来往就成为一种社会现象,直到1949年,这种来往中断三十余年后,联系又重新开始。虽然有所谓历史一脉相承,但意义与形式均有所不同,他们所联系的纽带、仰赖的基础也都不一样。 ...

【外文摘要】In this study of Shiku river,I explore the history of the Shiku river valley in Qing dynasty firstly. I try to show that the shiku river how to become a main region of immigration into Taiwan, and where the immigration was distributed in homeland by the illustration. Shiku river is a branch in the upper reaches of the HangJiang river, which flows through the Jiaolin county and a part of Meixian county. The Shiku river valley is located the northeast of Guandong province, where is hakka region and was called "YueDong". From the later period of Ming dynasty , people in this region began to immigrate to Taiwan ,which is at its peak in the QiangLong and JiaQing period in Qing dynasty. The reason of that is related to social integration besides the bad agricultural conditions, such as the riot the native population in later period of Ming to Qing dynasty, and the invasion of the forces came from Taiwan where ruled by the Zheng Chengong family in early stage of Qing dynasty, which made it be more easier that the population migrated. Taiwan is a destination. On the other hand, there were conditions that attracted people to make a living in Taiwan. After the immigrations settling in Taiwan, as a consequence the Shiku river valley become the homeland and the goings and comings of immigration is frequent between Taiwan and homeland from Qing dynasty to 1949. The contacting was recovered in 1980s,but had new forms and significance , because it is based on new situation. ...

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