首页>学位论文>  赣南客家围屋的民俗文化研究


作者:宁峰 日期:2006.01.01 点击数:24


【作者】 宁峰


【关键词】 赣南客家围屋 民俗文化 现代化

【外文关键词】 Gan nan ke jia circular house folklore culture modernization








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【摘要】。围屋体现了客家民系居住文化的非同寻常的美学追求。客家人以自己的聪明才智,灵巧的双手,创造了色彩斑斓的围屋文化,更重要的是,客家人创造了围屋景观得以产生并且千百年传承下来的深厚物质、精神基础。 赣南客家围屋,就其造型规模和建筑艺术而言,其渊源来自于北方中原的古宫殿的住宅形式和夯土技术。在中国古代原始社会里,人们长期过着穴居、巢居、窝棚等生活,经过实践经验的总结,人们开始认识到圆形空间的经济、结构安全和构造简单,因此曾大量建造圆形住宅。随着人们生活需求的提高和日渐清晰的方位观念、次序观念和等级观念的形成,圆形住宅难以满足上述要求时,方形住宅出现了,其后圆方形住宅共存,继而在方圆形式上又演化生出明堂形制建筑。在明堂形制的基础上,民居的“四架三间平房”式的建筑出现,它是中国古代所有建筑的最小基准单位。反观客家围屋,其五凤楼构造与四架三间形式有着微妙的联系,同时又继承了明堂的纵横五堂原则。其建筑的形态以方形和圆形为主,强调中轴位置,以此体现中国的封建礼教、宗族制度和儒家思想。 任何建筑物都可以视作其创造者所拥有的物质与精神财富的总和及其特征的体现。围屋是赣南客家民系所拥有的全部文明成果高度浓缩的结晶,它是客家文化最典型的表现之一,是最能全面深刻反映其创造者自身文化的实体。在围屋静态的物质架构底下,包含着客家民系古今全部文明的成果,因此可以将围屋看作是客家文化的高度抽象符号,其价值已远远超越人类居住建筑的抵御风雨、抗击外敌等实用的机械功能的范畴,有着远非纯建筑学所能解释的极其复杂的文化内涵。 在赣南客家围屋中,我们可以从生育习俗、丧葬习俗、休闲娱乐、民间信仰等方面来透视其中的民俗生活与文化;从围屋选址营造的地势、山水、方向崇拜中体味始终萦绕在客家人心头的风水意识;从祠堂、族谱中领略客家人的宗族文 ...

【外文摘要】 Construction is frozen music, the three-dimensional poetry. In the territory of Jiangxi Ganzhou City ,the Hakka people circular house has unique style and extensive residential contents, and caused widespread interest in the media and academic culture. Circular house is the strange beauty and has profound cultural and artistic temperament, or as a wonderful human landscape so that people can go beyond simply building side, and with unprecedented enthusiasm about the folk culture of the Hakka people. Circular house embodies the living culture of the Hakka people are extraordinary aesthetic pursuit. Hakka in their own wisdom, nimble hands to create a colorful circular culture and, more importantly, the Hakka people have created circular house landscape and old generations down to the deep physical, spiritual foundation. The mold , scale and style of the architect of Gannan Ke Jia Clay building can be tracked back to the style of ancient palace, dwelling house and the techniques of ramming. In the Primary society of china, people lived in caves or shacks for a long period. After summarizing the housing experience in practical, people began to realize that the circular spare provided inhabitants reasonable cost, safe structure and simple construction. Therefore, circular houses were largely built. However, circular house couldnot satisfy the other demands from all aspects because of the improved living standard and the gradually defined ideas for location, social order and rating .So the square house made its appearance to complement the disadvantages of the circular house.Square style and circular style coexisted afterward, and the coexisted styled houses were discovered in many explored relics of primary phratry society of China. Mingtang style architecture was originated from the square and circular style . Then based on Mingtang style, a new folk style of architecture appeared in ancient China .Whil, we are observing the five―Phoenix building of Ke Jia clay building, we may understand the subtle association between it and the“four―beam three―houses style”.On the other hand, the latter inherits the crossing--connecting principle of Mingtang. Ke Jia building is mainly circularly or squarely shaped .It stressed the location of the axis, which could display the theory of feudal ethical code, phyle system and the thinking of confucian . Any building can be regarded as the creators of material and spiritual wealth owned by the sum of its characteristics embodied. Gan nan ke jia circular house is highly enriched crystallization of all the achievements of civilization of Southern ...

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