首页>学位论文>  宋元之际东南地区移民研究


作者:王仁杰 日期:2004.01.01 点击数:21

【外文题名】Study on the Migration of Southeast Area between Song and Yuan

【作者】 王仁杰


【关键词】 宋元战争 二王 文天祥 移民 岭南开发

【外文关键词】 The War between Song and YuanTwo KingsWen TianXiangMigrationLingNan Development








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【摘要】山林进行武装反抗,或“抗节遁世”隐姓埋名,或举家南迁,开辟田野,或迁徙海外。南迁之民带来了江南的先进生产技术,先进文化,对岭南的开发作出了重大的贡献,也促进了客家民系的进一步壮大。 本文以1276年元军占领临安到1279年厓山之战南宋灭亡为时段,研究元军在向南推进过程中,东南地区(今浙、闽、赣、粤等地)各族人民迁移情况。...

【外文摘要】The war between Song and Yuan in the 13th century .which was launched by Mongol aristocrats and lasted for 40 years ,destroyed Song dynasty. Although the war resulted in the unification of China, Yuan army s brutal massacre and barbarous behavior during the war arose the strong resistance of the soldiers, Confucian scholars and the national heros of South Song.such as Wen Tian Xiang, Lu Xiu Fu, Zhang Shi Jie etc. The brutal war caused the large-scale migration of the people of South Song to the South . They......

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