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作者:苏俊 日期:2004.01.01 点击数:81

【外文题名】On Social Factors Contributing to the Characteristics of Hakka Dialect

【作者】 苏俊


【关键词】 变体 方言 客家方言 社会因素

【外文关键词】 varietydialectthe Hakka dialectsocial factors








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【摘要】足球评论英语等等。从中可以看出,一般意义上的“变体”包括我们通常所说的语言、方言和语体。依据Hudson的说法,这种定义也使我们能“将某些多语言者或社区的所有语言当作一种单一的变体,因为所有的相关语言项都有一种近似的社会分布。”因此,一种变体可能比某一语言范围更大,也可能比某一语言的范围要小。 作为语言变体之一的方言在语言研究中占有重要的地位。区分“语言”和“方言”的途径有两种:其一是规模上的差异;其二是声望上的差异。规模上的差异在于“语言”的概念范围要比“方言”的概念范围大得多。也就是说,“语言”所包含的语言项要远多于“方言”所包含的语言项。声望上的差异在于,某种“语言”通常被用在正式和官方的文献中,也就是我们通常所说的“标准语”。标准语是社会直接和刻意干预的结果,这种干预被称作“标准化”,在某种语言被“标准化”之前,它也仅被看作是方言的一种。一种典型的标准语一般会经过四个过程:选择、编撰整理、功能细化和认同。(Haugen 1966) 标准语是规定全民族共同使用的语言。方言是标准语的地域分支或地方变体,是某个社会内某一地区的人们所使用的语言。标准语对方言来说是一种高级形式,是各方言所环绕的中心。它不仅对方言的语音、词汇、语法有一定的影响,而且还在一定程度上制约着方言的发展。 中国是一个方言非常复杂的国家。大体说,现代汉语有七大方言,它们是:北方方言、吴方言、湘方言、赣方言、客家方言、闽方言和粤方言。在这七种方言当中,客家方言尤其具有与众不同的特点。 客家方言是客家民系的共同语言。客家是汉民族中的一个独特群体,客家方言是这个群体的最重要特征,也是我们研究客家的历史文化的最重要的依据。客家方言又称客方言、客话、或客家话。从分布上看,主要在 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文 福建,广东,江西,湖南,台湾和四川等6个省,海外有马来西亚,新加 坡,印度尼西亚等地。 客家方言是一种在古汉语基础上在民族迁移中形成的一种汉语方言。 客家先民原为中原汉人,东晋以前,客家先民聚居在中原一带。由于历史 上的战乱、饥荒,很早就开始从中原往长江以南迁徙。他们越过黄河、长 江,逐渐向南迁移,最终定居于中国南部。由于定居于相当偏远的地区, 不易受当地语言文化的影响,客家先民仍然保存并固守其传统的语言与文 化。 作为中国最早的方言之一,客家方言最典型的特色在于:无论在语音, 词汇还是语法方面,客家话都保存了大量的古汉语特点。 早期的客家方言研究主要集中在词源考释方面。二十世纪上半叶,一 些学者对对客家方言的发音方面进行了研究。从二十世纪五十年代至今, 客家方言的语音、词汇和语法系统得到了系统的研究。 但是很显然的是,虽然从词源、音位和形态方面对客家方言有了大量 深入的研究成果,主要还是集中在方言本身的研究,从社会语言学的角度 对客家方言所做的研究工作相对很少。在客家方言形成和演变的历史过程 中,诸多的社会因素,如历史、政治、经济、文化、心理、习俗和建筑等 各方面对客家方言特色的形成具有重要的作用。目前客家方言的社会语言 学研究还处于相对空白的状态。 了解客方言有助于了解古今汉语的历史面貌和演变过程,也可以使我 们更进一步地了解现代汉语的构成及其特点,这对于文献学、考古学、民 俗学、民族史、文化史的研究起着一定的帮助作用。客家方言中所反映出 来的晚唐五代至两宋期间的语音和语法特点使得该方言成为研究中国古 代文化、历史的一个重要参照。 本文以形成客家方言特色的诸多社会因素为主要研究对象,揭示了形 成客家方言特色的内在和外在因素,为其他方言的研究提供了一种全新的 思路,这对于深入了解语言背后所蕴涵的深层次社会内容具有特别重要的 意义,同时也为国家的历史和文化研究提供了新的线索。 ...

【外文摘要】 Each language exists in a number of varieties and is in one sense the sum of those varieties. But what do we mean by variety? Hudson (1996) defines a variety of language as 'a set of linguistic items with similar distribution,' a definition that allows us to say that all of the following are varieties: English, French, London English, the English of football commentaries, and so on. According to Hudson, this definition also allows us 'to treat all the languages of some multilingual speaker, or community, as a single variety, since all the linguistic items concerned have a similar social distribution.' A variety can therefore be something greater than a single language as well as something less, less even than something traditionally referred to as a dialect. As a variety of language, 'dialect' plays an important role in the language research. There are two separate ways of distinguishing 'language' and 'dialect'. On the one hand, there is a difference of size, because a 'language' is larger than a 'dialect'. That is, a variety called a 'language' contains more items than one called a 'dialect'. The other contrast between 'language' and 'dialect' is a question of prestige, a 'language' having prestige while a 'dialect' lacks. Whether some variety is called a 'language' or a 'dialect' depends on how much prestige one thinks it has, and for most people this is a clear-cut matter, which depends on whether it is used in formal writing. Standard languages are the result of a direct and deliberate intervention by society. This intervention, which is called 'standardization', produces a standard language where before there were just 'dialects' (in the second sense, i.e. non-standard varieties). The notion 'standard language' is somewhat imprecise, but a typical standard language will have passed through the following processes (Haugen 1966) as selection, codification, elaboration of function and acceptance. The standard language is a language regulated by the authority to be used by the whole nation. And dialects are the regional varieties or divisions which are the languages used by a certain region of a society. The standard language is an advanced form centered by various dialects. It not only affects the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar of the dialects, but also limits the development of the dialects. China is a country rich in varieties of dialects. Generally speaking, there are seven dialects in modern Chinese. They are: the Northern dialect, the Wu dialect, the Xiang dialect, the Gan dialect, the Hakka dialect, the Min dialect and the Yue dialect. Among the seven dialects, the Hakka dialect has a unique characteristic. The Hakka dialect is the common language spoken by the Hakkas - a unique ethnic group of Chinese people. The Hakka dialect is the most important characteristic of the Hakkas. The Hakka dialect mainly distributes in the provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Hunan, Taiwan and Sichuan, and in other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. The Hakkas used to be the northern Hans living in Central China. Ever since the period of East Jin, there were constant wars in North China resulting in frequent changes of rulers. The northern Hans who were plagued by wars and disasters could not stay there anymore and had to abandon their homes. They crossed the Yellow and Yangtze rivers in groups, moving towards the south little by little. Finally they settled down in South China. Living in a rather isolated area, this group of people, adhered to their traditional culture and language despite the influence of the native ones, resulting in a new form of dialect - the Hakka dialect. As one of the oldest Chinese, the most typical characteristic of the Hakka dialect lies in its preservation of most features of ancient Chinese in the aspects of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. The earliest study of the Hakka dialect mainly focused on its etymology. In the first half of the 20th century, some scholars did primary research on the pronunciation of the Hakka dialect. From 1950s t ...

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