首页>学位论文>  客家:中国民俗中的“宗亲孤岛”现象


作者:夏德峰 日期:2005.01.01 点击数:21

【作者】 夏德峰

【关键词】 客家 精神特质 方言岛 族群涵化 文化传承

【外文关键词】 Hakka Unique inspirit character Dialect islands Ethnic groups acculturation Cultural heritage







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【摘要】了“宗亲孤岛”的现象成因,介绍了迁徙状况和区域分布。通过对客家的拓垦史、经济生活方式、民风习俗等的阐述,探讨了“宗亲孤岛”的优秀精神特质。 随着历史的演变和社会的改革,客家族群特色日趋式微。文章分析了客家面临的挑战和危机,探讨了客家复兴与重建的重要意义及契机,并对复兴与重建的途径提出了思考。...

【外文摘要】Hakka is the branch of the Han nationality. It has a large number of population, spread all over the country and oversea, and it has an important influence in the fields of politic and economy.This paper with the clue of the clan relatives isolated islands formation and change, in the angle of globalization and modernization, research the Dialect Islands s crisis, ethnic groups acculturation, culture heritage, etc. The paper from four angles, that is, three large population migration of ancient china, t......

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