首页>学位论文>  石城方言词汇研究


作者:黄加亮 日期:2005.01.01 点击数:18

【外文题名】A Study on Words and Phrases of Shicheng Dialect

【作者】 黄加亮


【关键词】 石城方言 词源 词形 词义 理据

【外文关键词】 Shicheng Dialect origin form meaning warranty aggregation








【全文挂接】 知网挂接 万方挂接 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】The thesis makes a study of the words and phrases on Shicheng Dialect from different angles and levels.It is divided into six sections.In the former four ones,it expounds the features of the origins, forms and meaning of the words and phrases. In the discussion of the features of word forms, an anilysis of the warranty of words and phrasesis also made. In the latter section, the thesis dissuses the aggregation of the folk customs which are based on societics and anthrops,attempting to show the cultural ......

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