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作者:曾冬霞 日期:2012.01.01 点击数:3

【外文题名】A Rhetoric Study of Lyrics of Meizhou Hakka Folk Songs

【作者】 曾冬霞

【关键词】 客家山歌 修辞 语境

【外文关键词】 Haka folk song speech rhetoric word thetoric sentence rhetoric rhetoric







【全文挂接】 知网挂接 万方挂接 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】Hakka folk song is a folk song which is singing in hakka dialect with hakka people.This thesis focuses on Meizhou hakka folk songs.There are a lot of books written about the hakka folk song,but most of them are study on the musicology,literature,floklore.The thesis whtch is study on rhetoric is not appear. Seeing that,this thesis is trying to investigate and analyse hakka folk songs from the point of rhetoric.The purpose is to redressing the lack of study on this subject in the past as well as contributing to the heritage of hakka folk songs.The thesis includes four parts:firstly,introducing the reason of the topic,the significance of this study and the situation of hakka folk songs studying;secondly,studying the hakka folk songs from the perspective of word and sentence rhetoric,rhetoric phenomenon and results of the application of the word and sentence discussed;thirdly,introducing the rhetoric and results of hakka folk songs;fourthly,analysising the linguistic context and non-linguistic context of Meizhou hakka folk songs....

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