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作者:李芳 日期:2012.01.01 点击数:39

【外文题名】Case Study on Hakka Dialect Grammar of Wuhua in Guangdong

【作者】 李芳

【关键词】 五华客家话 介词 助词 描写

【外文关键词】 Wuhua Hakka Dialect AspectDegreePrepositionsAuxiliaryDescription







【全文挂接】 知网挂接 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】This paper mainly discusses the phenomenon of Wuha Dialect Grammar of choice points,Focus of the study is to describe the characteristics of grammatical facts.To detailed dialect corpus to show the inherent Wuhua dialects and a unique use of grammar.Full-text is divided into seven part:First chapter:Introduction.It mainly introduces Wuhua geography demographic profile,language overview,the introduction to phonology of Wuhua dialect,related grammar reseach,material source,style description,the object method and meaning of the paper.Second chapter:The aspectual of verbs.It mainly describes and investigates twelve kinds aspectual verbs of Wuhua dialect,including perfective aspect,progressive aspect,priority aspect,persistent aspect,experience aspect,beginning aspect,continuous aspect,already aspect,the will be accomplished aspect,short-time and attempt aspect,repeating aspect,successive aspect.Third chapter:The adjective degree.It mainly discuss the degree magnitude of the stative adjective in Wuhua dialect.It analyzes the overlapped and affixed patten stative adjective of Wuhua dialect.Forth chapter:The adverbs of degree.It mainly describes and analyzes the degree magnitude category of adverbs.Fifth chapter:The prepositions.It mainly describes and investigates the usage and semantics of prepositions in Wuhua Dialect.Sixth chapter:The auxilliary.It mainly descibes and investigates the auxiliary of Wuhua dialect,including structural auxilliaries,dynamic auxiliaries and mood auxiliaries.Seventh chapter:The conclusion.This chapter is a summary of the full text.This chapter mainly discuss some thoughts on this paper....

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