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作者:靳阳春 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:15

【外文题名】The Economic and Social Development and Change of TingzhouIn Song and Yuan Dynasties

【作者】 靳阳春

【关键词】 客家学 北宋时期 客家文化 畲民汉化

【外文关键词】 Hakka people Song and Yuan Dynasties Tingzhou Traffic Economic Society







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【摘要】、经济与社会变化的具体内容。 本文认为,从秦汉时期开始,中原与福建的交通路线对历代南迁入闽移民活动的基本方向与走势产生了直接的影响,南迁入闽的北方汉人基本从闽北进入福建。闽西始终处于国家权力扩展的边缘。直到唐宋以降,闽西山区才逐步得到开发,五代末期至北宋初年是汀州第一次接受大批北方移民的时期,两宋之际是汀州第二次接受大批北方移民的时期。交通也随之发展。九龙溪航道在唐代就已经开发利用,在唐宋时期其重要性要高于汀江。南宋绍定以前,汀江出于自然开发状态。南宋后期,汀江航道得到改善,为元代隆兴至潮州驿道的开通奠定基础。元代隆兴至潮州驿道的开通使汀州成为赣闽粤边区的重镇和交通枢纽,促进了以汀州为中心的闽粤赣边经济区的形成。 交通的发展促进了宋代汀州经济发展。北宋时期,矿冶业是汀州的支柱产业,南宋时汀州矿冶业处于没落阶段,元代则处于停罢状态。南宋时期,私盐贩卖成为汀州经济生活中大部分人赖以谋生的重要产业,是后代汀赣间进行钱粮贸易的滥觞。以汀州为中心的私盐贩卖参与者成分复杂,而且由此引起的社会矛盾一直延续到元代。宋代汀州的集市层次非常完整,大部分集中在北部,表明宋代汀州的对外交通需求因为政治原因,依然以闽北为主。在这样一个长期的大范围的活动中,生活在以汀州为中心的闽粤赣地区的各个族群相互之间增进了交流和融合,逐渐形成了一个拥有独特文化的新族群。 汀州的社会矛盾激烈,冲突不断。北宋时期,汀州的社会冲突危害轻微。南宋汀州动乱由百姓与政府争利的经济冲突,演变为以推翻地方政府为目的。宋末元初,汀州抗击元军的军队多为购募,中后期义军以“复宋”为口号,汀州的动乱已经演变成为带有强烈民族反抗意识的斗争。 宋元时期汀州的文教有了较大发展。汀州的教育机构完备,理学有所发展,并以汀州为中心形成了定光佛信仰圈。文教的发展促进了汀州社会风气的变化。南宋时,汀州形成了一种融贯土客的新风习,促进了客家文化形成,最终以汀州为中心形成了客家民系。 客家民系在南宋初步形成后,与相邻而居的畲族携手合作,经历了宋末元初直至元朝末期的长期畲汉联合抗元斗争。在这个过程中,畲汉族群互相融合,主流是畲民汉化,壮大了客家民系。经过这场波澜壮阔的联合斗争的洗礼,客家人的族群性格得到很大的磨练和提升,客家民系迎来了第一次大发展的高潮。...

【外文摘要】Studies of Hakka mainly focused on the definition of Hakka, the origin of Hakka, Hakka spirit and Hakka culture, but less mentioned the economic development of Hakka. Especially few scholars are concerned about the relationship between the origin of Hakka and the economic development in Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi in Song and Yuan Dynasty. This paper studies on" the Economic and social development and change of Tingzhou in Song and Yuan Dynasties". The author read a lot of historical documents, chronicles and folk literature, and did a lot of field works to write it. The main contents of the paper are Tingzhou’s traffic, economic and social changes.The route from Fujian to Central China directly impacted on the basic direction and trend of northern migration to Fujian since Qin and Han Dynasties. West Fujian has been marginalized in the national power. Until Tang and Song dynasties, its society and traffic were gradually developed. The waterway of Jiulong River had been opened in Tang Dynasty. It was more important than Ting river then. The waterway of Ting river did not open before Shaoding of Southern Song Dynasty. It was developed in the late of Southern Song Dynasty and laid the foundation for the opening of Chaozhou post road to Longxing in Yuan Dynasty. This post road made Tingzhou as a traffic center in Jiangxi and Fujian border.The development of transportation promoted the economic development in Tingzhou in Song Dynasty. Mining industry was a pillar industry of Tingzhou in Song Dynasty. In Southern Song Dynasty it was in the decline stage. In Yuan Dynasty, It almost stopped.Most people made a living with smuggling salt in Tingzhou in Southern Song Dynasty.As a result, the trade between money and grain developed and the social conflicts because of smuggling salt never stopped until Yuan Dynasty. During this period, various ethnic groups who lived here gradually formed a new group.Tingzhou was not a peace place in history. There were too many social conflicts.These social conflicts caused minor damages in Northern Song Dynasty. But in Southern Song Dynasty they were not just economic conflicts between government and people. They became a threat to local governments. To Yuan Dynasty, the unrest of Tingzhou has turned into a strong sense of national resistance struggle.The education had made great progress in Tingzhou in Song and Yuan Dynasties. It had a good education system. Neo Confucianism had made significant progress too. And it formed a culture circle of the Faith in Dipamkara. Educational development changed the social customs. It formed Unique and outstanding of the Hakka people.Hakka people has become the world’s most widely distributed, the most far-reaching impact of one of the people. In today’s world development wave of Hakka people still charisma, renowned for their contribution, performed commendable....

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