首页>学位论文>  赣南客家女性哭嫁习俗研究


作者:吴楠 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:18

【作者】 吴楠

【关键词】 客家 哭嫁 原因 功能 特色

【外文关键词】 Hakka wedding lament reason function feature







【全文挂接】 知网挂接 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】In the remote area of Gannan region where Hakka lived before 1940s and 1950s, there universally appeared a special wedding ceremony-wedding lament. Before there universally appeared a special wedding ceremony-wedding lament. Before three or seven days bridegroom married, she would meet marriage, which was the big change of lifetime with crying and singing wedding lament songs. This was a special kind of crying with a tune and melody and it formed a wedding lament with characteristics. The wedding lament of Hakka people in Gannan region, began with bridegroom’s opening mouth, then went on crying with some female relatives and reached its peak when wedding procession came. The main contents of wedding lament were mainly focused on the departure with parents, sigh to the unfairness of fate, curse to the matchmaker or premarital education. This thesis adopts field investigation, by collecting and selecting the material of wedding lament of Hakka people in Gannan region, analyzes the reason and functions of it, tries to study the shift of family and social status of Hakka female in Gannan from the perspective of history. It also compares female’s wedding lament of Hakka people in Gannan with wedding lament of minority to analyze and study the feature of Hakka female’s wedding lament. With the change of production and way of living and the disappearance of objective condition, the wedding lament has almost perished. The author of this thesis tries to study the practical significance of the wedding lament by analyzing the connotation of Hakka’s wedding lament in Gannan and do her share for its heritage....

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