首页>学位论文>  韶关古村落景观与建筑文化对现代住区设计的启示


作者:潘文明 日期:2011.01.01 点击数:21

【外文题名】The Landscape and Architecture of Ancient Cultural Villages in Shaoguan and the Inspiration for Modern Residential Design

【作者】 潘文明

【关键词】 韶关古村落 景观 建筑文化 地域性 现代住区

【外文关键词】 Shaoguan ancient villages Landscape design Architectural culture Regional







【全文挂接】 知网挂接 万方挂接 读秀挂接


【外文摘要】With the improvement of living standards, and the process of development of modernization and urbanization, Residential development is quickly. At the same time, design is confusing. We do not attach importance to the relationship between tradition and modernity, no longer design residential from the local culture, technology and the pursuit of art.Shaoguan has a fine Chinese architectural culture. The inheritance and development of it will help to solve the problem.This article based on the requirements of modern life, Studied the inheritance and development of the ancient village of Shaoguan culture and its landscape and architecture.And made the following discovery:The first chapter discusses the theory. Described the inheritance of the village’s landscape principles and methods, prepared for the task.The second to the four chapters, researched architectural culture and characteristics of the landscape of Shaoguan ancient village, looking for the best elements of traditional.ChapterⅤfocuses on instructs Shaoguan ancient village’s Inspiration to modern residentialFinally, make a conclusion on the entire paper, analyzing the research process presented in the conclusion....

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