首页>学位论文>  江西万载潭埠鼓吹乐“得胜鼓”的调查与研究


作者:程璐怿 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:15

【外文题名】The Study of Wind-and-percussion Music "Deshenggu" of Tanbu Town

【作者】 程璐怿

【关键词】 得胜鼓 文化生态考察 音乐本体分析 传承现状

【外文关键词】 Deshenggu Cultural ecology Music ontology analysis Heritage







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【外文摘要】In June 7,2008, WanZai Deshenggu has advocated by state council as the second batch of state-level non-material cultural heritage protection. This topic research aim is to place a advocated by the Deshenggu music, case study Wanzai of JiangXi province in the development situation of Deshenggu.The author, after two years of research methods of Instrumental ensembleand and the relevant research theory Ehnomusicology, with the Deshenggu as the research object, and more than 10 times the tracking examination. This article mainly from the five aspects of the subject: First, the first chapter "history" section through the historiographical approaches of oral history records and documents in two ways to overcome the historical development of Deshenggu carding and analysis. The second chapter, take music study method of kind of material composition, including instrument, the band combination and play music. The third chapter, from the Angle of research Ehnomusicology, overcome the application in the local folk. The fourth chapter, specific analysis of the Deshenggu constitute factors existing in higher frequency used several songs were analyzed, purpose to find the characteristics and regularity of music in this conclusion: The local music and music into the native hakka "music" two lighted——But judging from the use of the occasion, with native music. Chapter 5, from the survey of Deshenggu inheriting traditional Chinese music for a heritage, The author thinks that can use the anthropological "self——he" proposition, will now inheriting the traditional music mainly divided into "self" and "other" inheritance.Both have their pros and cons, manifests "antinomies" philosophy....

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