首页>学位论文>  广东永汉乡土聚落生态与文化结构研究


作者:姜雪婷 日期:2010.01.01 点击数:18

【外文题名】Ecological and Cultural Structure of Rural Settlements in Yonghan of Guangdong Province

【作者】 姜雪婷

【关键词】 乡土聚落 生态结构 文化结构 风水 聚落演替

【外文关键词】 rural settlement ecological structure cultural structure Fengshui settlement succession







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【摘要】较集中、完整地保留了300余个乡土聚落。采用人类学的田野调查方法,对聚落进行实地观察和测量,并对聚落居民进行访谈。共走访了95个乡土聚落,获得68个资料较为详细的有效聚落样本。样本中包含客家聚落37个,本地聚落30个,新建移民聚落1个。客家与本地聚落都是典型的宗族聚落,但在历史长度、分布地区等方面都有所不同。 永汉所有乡土聚落的建立必须以取得土地为前提,包括耕地以及建房用地两部分。在选址方面,主要的依据是风水原则,风水师是聚落的规划者。 永汉乡土聚落的景观缀块构成模式均为“后龙山林地+建筑群+地堂+鱼塘+耕地”或其变体,在垂直结构上则表现为前低后高。 后龙山名称源于风水学,是位于聚落后方、属聚落集体所有、林木禁止砍伐的缀块。建筑群是聚落所有居民栖居的场所。地堂是建筑群......

【外文摘要】There are rich implications about history, culture and ecology in the large amount of rural settlements in China. The ecological structure and cultural structure of rural settlements of the Han civilization was explored by a case study in Yonghan of Guangdong Province. The succession of these rural settlements as well as the problems during the succession was revealed, to provide references for the sustainable development of China's rural settlements. The study area was in Yonghan town, Longme......

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