客家 华南汉族的族群性及其边界族群性及其边界=The hakkas ethnicity of han nationality in south China and its boundary
作者:  濑川昌久  年份:2013 文献类型 :图书 关键词: 客家  民族历史  研究  中南地区 
描述:客家 华南汉族的族群性及其边界族群性及其边界=The hakkas ethnicity of han nationality in south China and its boundary
作者:王炤烈 江世雄 藍朝卿  来源:第十届中日建筑结构技术交流会 年份:2013 文献类型 :会议论文
描述:rces and promotion of Hakka culture understanding.The Liudui area is the main location where Taiwanese Hakka people have resided in southern Taiwan,so there is also a Liudui Hakka park in that place.The Liudui Cultural Park is a longer-term project.In the first stage,buildings shaped as most unique "Hakka bamboo hat" are designed and built.There are six umbrella stand structures which look like bamboo hat in the distance and have the Hakka culture appearance.The diameter of each umbrella stand structure is 50rn,and the total height is 24.3m The structure is supported by a single column in the center.Since the umbrella stand structure are functioned as a roof for other buildings below and the buildings are operated by commercial teams.The park authorities are very concerned about the safety of the umbrella stand structures.When the umbrella stand structures were completed,a loading test was conducted to ensure the load capacity and the management point of subsequent construction.According to the test results,the structure element strength is evaluated,and the subsequent noticing points are verified when the structure is constructed.
作者:暂无 来源:赣州晚报 年份:2013 文献类型 :报纸
描述:本报讯 (王锋 见习记者谢星星 实习生谢春梅) “客家采茶戏发源于赣南安远、信丰一带,是以九龙茶灯为基础,集赣南其他民间艺术于一体的民俗文化……”7月27日至8月7日,由中国华文教育基金会主办、江西理工大学承办的“2013年中国文化行——完美江西客家营”在赣州举行,来自荷兰、西班牙、加拿大等地的80