首页>学位论文>  高雄汕尾国小车鼓表演艺术探讨:以『桃花过渡』剧目为例


作者:张玉芬 日期:2014.11.17 点击数:33

【外文题名】An Study on the Performing Art of Che Ku Chen of Sanwei Elementary School in Kaohsiung- a case in Tao-Hua-Kuo-Tu repertoire

【作者】 张玉芬

【关键词】 汕尾国小 车鼓 车鼓戏 桃花过渡 表演艺术 宜兰本地歌仔 客家三脚采茶戏 七子戏

【外文关键词】 Sanwei elementary school Che Ku Che Ku opera Tao Hua kuo Tu Performing arts I Lan Pen Ti Ko Tsai opera Hakka Sab Chiao Tsai Cha opera Chi Tzu opera







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【摘要】過渡』的源流與發展、以及舞步動作或是曲調音律的比較。因此本文將以汕尾車鼓手抄本中的『桃花過渡』作為研究基礎,首先探討目前汕尾國小車鼓表演藝術中,教練編修的『桃花過渡』與原抄本的差異。接著分析手抄本中的劇情內容,對於手抄本的文字語詞進行校對與修正,然後輔以閩南語拼音註解。期望藉著本研究使汕尾國小車鼓社團『桃花過渡』演出的文句、語詞能夠更清楚明瞭。接著再探討教練缺頁補齊後編修『桃花過渡』的文本內容與表演形式,從中去分析與印證流傳於民間的小戲,在演變過程中如何因為環境與人為(傳承者、藝人、與文人的編修)因素而改變。 論文寫作首先從抄本資料的比對進行文本內容的分析,再從『桃花過渡』的劇情內容進行結構分析,然後比較汕尾國小車鼓、台南七股竹橋里牛犁歌陣、與台灣其他車鼓的表演形式,了解彼此間的關連性。 對於這一齣『桃花過渡』小戲,也將從出現在台灣其他劇種中的研究資料進行收集解讀與分析探討。研究中發現宜蘭本地歌仔將『桃花過渡』穿插在《呂蒙正》中演出;客家三腳採茶戲則將『桃花過渡』的演出加入《賣茶郎》的情節中;還有曾經流傳於台灣的七子戲也有『桃花過渡』的演出。 從以上這些其他劇種的『桃花過渡』與車鼓的『桃花過渡』相互比對、分析和探討,然後比較各劇種裡的劇情內容與表演形式的異同,可以讓大家更深入的了解『桃花過渡』在台灣的流佈和發展。...

【外文摘要】Tao-Hua-Kuo-Tu has been a welcomed and popular Che Ku Chen operetta , which, with social change, is gradually becoming a performing repertoire. The researcher gets to know this operetta through Che Ku Chen club of Sanwei elementary school, this opportunity caused the researcher to study it. All the literatures about Tao-Hua-Kuo-Tu that the researcher searched was focused on its origin, development, dancing movement or the comparison of melody and tonality. This study, based on Tao-Hua-kuo-Tu script of Che Ku Chen of Sanwei, firstly distinguished Sanwei masters’ edited Tao-Ha-Kuo-Tu version from that of the original script. Secondly, to analyze the plot of script, collate and review the words of script, then the script is added with Taiwanese phonetic transcript and annotation. Finally, to explore the contents and performing styles of edited script, through which to analyze and prove how it is changed due to the factors of space and humane interference (the predecessors, the masters, the literati’s edition) during evolving process. The thesis is firstly arranged with the analysis of the contents of script, then the structural analysis of the contents of Tao-Hua-kuo-Tu, finally, Niu-Li-Ko-Chen of Chu-Chiao village, Chi-Ku district, Tai-Nan city and the performing styles of other Che Ku Chen in Taiwan are compared with Che Ku Chen of Sanwei in order to realize their relation one another. The researcher also analyzed and explored Tao-Hua-Kuo-Tu operetta appeared in the other opera genres in Taiwan. The researcher discovered Tao-Hua-kuo-Tu was a sideshow of Lu-Meng-Cheng, a local Ke Tsai opera in I-Lan county, it also was added into the plot of Mai-Cha-Lang, a Hakka-Sab-Chiao-Tsai-Chao opera, and again it was performed in Chi-Tzu opera, once spread in Taiwan. Comparing, analyzing and exploring the above Tao-Hua-Kuo-Tu of other opera genres with that of Che Ku Chen, the contents and the performing styles helps us deeply to realize the spread and development of Tao-Hua-Kuo-Tu in Taiwan...

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